Biscuit Cupcakes - Hide & Seek Cupcakes

 Hi foodies,

Cupcakes made from Hide & Seek biscuit are super easy to make. This is a simple recipe, made with the use of just 4 ingredients. All chocolate lovers will surely love it.

The best part about making cupcakes from Hide & Seek biscuit is that all the ingredients are readily available at home. It can also be served as dessert. So let's get started!

chocolate cupcakes

Hide & Seek biscuit cupcake recipe:

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Serves: 6 cupcakes


  • 20-25 Hide & Seek biscuits 
  • 1/2 cup milk (adjust according to batter consistency)
  • 3 tbsp sugar (granulated)
  • 1 tsp eno


1. Grind all the Hide & Seek biscuits in a blender.

2. Pour the biscuit mixture into a bowl and add sugar to it.

3. Add milk to the mixture above in such a manner that it was a semi-thick batter.

4. Add eno to the above batter and mix well.

5. Grease the cupcake moulds with butter or oil.

6. Pour the batter into the moulds, till it's 3/4th height.

7. Place the filled cupcake moulds into a tandoor and let them cook for 20 minutes.

8. Check if the cupcake is properly cooked by inserting a toothpick into it. If the toothpick comes out clean, it means the cupcake is perfectly cooked.

9. Let the cupcakes cool down. You can decorate them with granulated sugar or have them as it is.


1. Add eno, only in the end, after mixing the rest of the ingredients together.

2. You can substitute Hide & Seek biscuit with any other chocolate biscuit of your choice.

3. It stays fresh for 2-3 days.

I hope you all enjoyed the kitchen tips I shared with you all earlier. What would you prefer as a dessert, shrikhand or cupcakes? Let me know in the comments section below.

At Savour with Sakshi, I'll keep sharing more such easy recipes with you guys. Stay tuned!

Yours foodly,



  1. Dayumm, the simplicity of this recipe is love.
    P.S. If chef Sakshi is making it, we would all prefer having all three.. the Shrikhand, the dessert and these cupcakes.

  2. Looks delicious! Wish I could eat them! :-)

  3. Amazing recepie I will definitely try itπŸ‘


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